Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Thursday April 11th, 2013

So this book I’ve been reading…“Why We Get Fat”…this thing is intense! Everything has changed. I see everything differently. And without having finished the book I’m left with an incomplete feeling that leaves me feeling slightly drained and sleepy. Maybe its just stress and tension from the total flip-over thanks to less than a hundred pages of reading. I sure fought drowsiness at University for sure though that’s more of not enough sleep last night.

Mariko lent me her “Hunger Games” trilogy by giving all the books in one sturdy plastic bag. Who knows what I’ll be reading soon? ;) Actually I already started and so far it’s pretty darn good. The writing style is so simple and compelling. It should be a great read.

Lunch was the same as Monday, a lovely freshly bought apple and Nature Valley honey & oat granola bar. So delicious and one of the most comfortable things I can eat right now in quantity and nutrition.

This morning they sky wasn’t dark and yesterday held no rain whatsoever despite me hauling around my umbrella everywhere. So I didn’t bring my umbrella today to lighten my load. …I should’ve known better. Not only should you ALWAYS have an umbrella in Taiwan but especially have one the day after no rain cuz the condensation gets to build up to precipitate all throughout the following day. And it did. It rained…and I had no umbrella…with electronics in my bag and books just lent to me. Oh shiz-nick-its. I tucked the three heavy books under my jacket (a hoodless jacket) and bobbed down the street trying to get under the next shelter as quickly as possible. First was making it to the cafeteria for lunch, then the subway and finally walking to Tatung.

Different from the usual, I first went to my classroom to set down my heavy gear and prepare to dash to the back of the campus to sign in. Fortunately and kindly, a good classmate lent me her umbrella to use. Made the trip a lot more pleasant so I didn’t have to worry about acidic rain making my hair fall out, as I’ve been told.

P.E. class was held in a small covered area across the campus, so my classmate shared her umbrella with me again. The time was primarily badminton. We had a very minuscule area to play back and forth without even a net. My skills at badminton are very limited but could pass for average I guess. It’s still fun though. ^_^

Once class ended it was still raining. Still raining. The same classmate had the goodness of her heart to lend me her umbrella for the night since I had a long way to walk and her mother picks her up at school by car. I’m very grateful for this kind act because it rained all the way home and I wanted to protect my electronics and Mariko’s books. So a whole bunch of thanks to my classmate! ^_^

Bundles of work and reading followed. Sleep too. As rain continued on of course. XD So see y’all next time. Byes!

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