Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oh Ba Jia Jiang, how you affect my perception XD

Wednesday April 3rd, 2013

Draaaaaaaaaaaag. Shuffle shuffle shu-u-u-uffle. Plop down. Dizziness. Losing consciousness. Oh dear. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t even read a book without dosing off after a couple lines. I knew I didn’t get enough sleep last night but DANG! This morning was ridiculous! XD

As a thank you for yesterday’s field trip, I gave a letter to both my homeroom teacher and Redy. Each contained my thanks in Chinese as well as an English explanation of an included object, a dream catcher. It’s just a token of my appreciation with a unique culture story behind it. I didn’t see their reactions but I feel as if they would like it. As long as they know of my gratitude, that’s enough for me. ^_^

Oh geez. Do y’all recall my homeroom teacher telling me yesterday that a fellow classmate knew how to do a Ba Jia Jiang performance? Before that I always saw him in a kinda coarse light because of his unrefined behavior. With this new knowledge, my perspective has shifted to something entirely different. Something like admiration and fascination, wanting to watch his actions and distinguish Ba-Jia-Jiang-like movements. I could see similarities, picturing the classmate in full costume and becoming more interested. Not watching in a stalker manner mind you, just glances every outburst he had, an outgoing habit he has as if the class clown. But there’s something I can’t deny…I think I have-id a crush-th. XD The crush is of course an affinity to the Ba Jia Jiang in general, not the individual classmate. ;P After the break when school begins on Monday again, I do plan on confronting him about when his group’s next performance will be. I so want to watch an actual, traditional Ba Jia Jiang show! :D

Amazingly there was no rain in the afternoon. QUICK! TO THE EXERCISE-MOBILE! >:D I got my lovely hour in at the track and felt ten times better. The exercise did me some good both finally waking me up and clearing stuffed up sinuses. Yay!

Back the house though, weariness clashed again but surprisingly not too bad, only slightly. Trouble was had trying to figure out what to do tomorrow because original plans were misunderstood, cancelled or changed. Bleh. Other than that, nothing much else to say. So bye-bye.

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