Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Eggs Are Our Tasty Friends!

Tuesday April 16th, 2013

Surprise at 7-Eleven. They didn’t have my favorite salad…anywhere! Whyyyyyy?! It seems like they changed their food line so they no longer offer my fav type. Well nuts! To compensate I tried out a new salad in their new line . This one comprised of mostly leafy greens with a small bit of chicken, one cucumber slice, one cherry tomato and a half of an egg. The dressing was a thin, tasty unknown flavor. Whatever it was, it was good but only when lightly drizzled. Once again, never use all of the dressing 7-Eleven gives you for your salad. It’s just too much and probably would end up upsetting my stomach. Overall I liked this new kind of salad but didn’t quite attain satisfaction.

I subdue both the remaining bit of hunger and fulfill a craving, I dashed to Hi-Life and purchased a tea egg. This food I’ve had before at least once but don’t remember a thing about it. So with my love of eggs, knack for healthy foods, adventurer’s spirit and lingering appetite, I merrily trotted over to get one. A mere 7 NT ($0.24US), you pluck one out from a heated pot at the convenient store and place it in a small plastic bag.

What gives the tea egg (茶葉蛋) its characteristics comes from the broth its boiled in. So you take a pre-boiled egg and then boil it again in tea, sauce and/or spices. There’s also a “marble egg” variation if the outside shell is cracked to create darkened lines from being boiled in the liquid. This one was just a normal tea egg so the outside shell was just a solid dark brown.

Pick off the shell, take a bite and experience numminess! As y’all know I’m super egg biased but still it was quite a yum-yum. Yes it does basically taste like a normal egg but there’s a slight hint of added flavor that comes from being boiled in the broth. It’s a famous snack in not just Taiwan but Asia overall. Cheap, delicious and good for health, I am so going back for more! Next time I’ll take pictures. ;) As a bonus, I can totally make these back in Texas. Oh snap, yes I want! Whoo-hoo!

Last Friday in Chinese class we had a test that surprised me. I thought the test would be on the following Tuesday so I didn’t fully study for it. Nonetheless I tried my best though I know I made some mistakes. We got our results back today and what I thought could’ve been a failed test turned out to be…dun dun duuuuuun…a 79! Hey that’s nearly a B for a test I wasn’t prepared for. Yeah! Not bad! But then the teacher discussed how none of our grades were good. Apart from my score, the other three exchange students individually got grades of 3_, 5_, and a lower 7_. Whoa…that means I got the highest grade even though I got the test day mixed up. Win? I think so. ;)

Something that happened several days ago is that my grandfather passed away. My actual grandfather mind you, not Taiwanese host relative. We’ve known this was coming for quite some time and were better prepared compared to an instant shock of news. Of course the news saddens me but not in a plunge head deep into a downward spiral of depression kind of way. Tommy (my host family’s son currently on an exchange in Texas) heard about this and told his family back in Taiwan. Today my host mother came into my room and tried to express her sympathy for my grandfather. I thanked her but said I was fine. Later host father came in with a bucket of chocolate ice cream and a slim ice treat container. Though a kind offer, I politely declined. The bottom line is, my host family thinks I’m depressed (though I’m not) and is showing their care through thoughtful acts. That is so incredibly sweet of them. This kindness, either originating from Taiwanese in general or just my individual family, I just had to point out. I love my host family. ^_^

With a mind and body more than ready for sleepy time, good night!

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