Friday, April 19, 2013

More New Food Taste Tests

Friday April 19th, 2013

Why even bother to bring the old school jacket? It still was drizzling in the morning (calling for an umbrella) but had a nice cool temperature. Screw wearing a jacket! Let’s go out and enjoy the slight chill when still possible before it gets sweltering hot again! Whoo! The danger in not bringing a jacket is you never know whether today’s classroom will be Antarctica or not. Thankfully it stayed at a moderate coldness without inviting penguins to slide on ice banks. :P

At the beginning of the school day our homeroom teacher (Athena) gave each student two pieces of assorted candies. Both the ones I got were never before tried but I have seen the orange candy in a larger bar version at convenient stores. Feeling in package, the grape wrapper just seemed to be hard candy, something I didn’t want. So I just gave it to Redy who I knew liked grape stuff.

Speaking of Redy, yesterday after the Interact meeting she said she wanted to talk to me about my speech but didn’t have spare time at the moment. Therefore the conversation would be postponed until the next day (today). Initially her wish to talk to me birthed some worry in me. Perhaps I did or said something wrong in my speech that was offensive or just too outlandish? What if I pronounced a word so incorrectly that I voiced some ancient intense Taiwanese taboo? Did the students think my story was downright boring? Yes, I was anxious to say the least.

Turns out that Redy wanted to expand on my question of whether or not the students liked my speech/story. I had asked because many people didn’t laugh at humorous parts or had much of reactions at all. Today Redy explained that the students didn’t expect a presentation with such personality, energy, etc. but that’s what made it special. Instead of droning out the words, I happily added flare and life to my presentation. Though I will say I lacked audience eye contact because my gaze was glued on my paper to not screw up pronunciation of Chinese words I haven’t yet learned. Compared with the other exchange students, my speech was by far the most outgoing. So yay the Taiwanese students did like my style! :D Whoo-hoo!

My buffet food selection for lunch was the same as Wednesday being oh so yummy and healthy. Well, there was one difference. I got three cubes of stinky tofu instead of the previous two. But who is picky on such details, am I right? XD What delights me is that it seems all these foods are generally available everyday. This provides me with a crutch knowing I’ll have delicious nutritious options to always count on. Of course I do want to try new things but these might be the healthiest options out of them all. Either way, I LOVE THEM! ^_^

After naptime and speeding to Chinese class across campus, I caught a quick view of my reflection in a hallway mirror. (Btw, huge hallway mirrors are strangely common throughout Tatung. Weird) It looked like I got royally punched in the eye because the entire area was bright red. That comes from resting my head on my arms for snoozle time but 30-40 continuous minutes of this will leave a prominent rosy mark for some time. And it happens every day along with legs falling asleep. Joy. :P

I gave the orange wrapper candy from earlier a shot since it seemed like a popular enough treat to be interest enticing. Nearly 1.5 inches in length, it was a slim little bar. Taiwanese brand, mind you. Its outside is a thin chocolate coating with a chewy white filling. At first the smell and very first ounce of taste reminded me of Reese’s but that thought was quickly banished after a second. There’s not an American candy I can make similarities to. Reading the ingredient label and confirming with the Chinese teacher, the five main ones were chocolate, peanut, cream, milk and butter. The peanut did come out with small sandy tan looking bits within the inside, difficult to see in the picture but can just barely make them out. This candy’s uniqueness and flavor was pretty good, enjoyable in fact. I would say it’s above average but not outstanding on my radar. Feel free to try it if you get the chance because it’ll be a nice experience. ;)

Oh look, another new food I tried. ;P That seems to be the majority of my Taffys lately. XD Well you can’t blame me since food is the biggest part of Taiwanese culture. This next chow is the last Taiwanese snack given to me by my classmate, a rice cake of some sort. Apart from, of course, rice there were bits of peanuts and seaweed sheets within the patty. Both of these together provided the rice cake a slight sweetness and a slight saltiness. Something else special was you could distinguish each ingredient pretty clearly. Though some bites were saltier and some sweeter, most of the rice cake was perfectly balanced with two flavors that blended quite well together. With great balance and execution of taste, I thought this to be quite the pleasant little snack. It wins first place out of the three deriving from the brown paper bag classmate gift. Congratulations rice cake! You’ve won a trip through Andrea’s digestive system. :P

A calm night gently slipped in and all was peaceful. Twas a nice end to the weekdays. Now onto the weekends and whatever adventures they bring with them! ^_^ Peace out!

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