Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sleep. Energy. Let's Be Friends?

Sunday January 20th, 2013

I’m so sick of this. All I want is proper sleep and to feel energized again. I’m turning into a joke because I have trouble staying awake in church. Halfway through the sermon is where the problems arise. I try so hard and am genuinely interested in what the pastor is saying yet somehow I always become unconscious even if it’s only for less than a minute. Andrea is beyond unamused.

There was a meeting afterwards over the church’s accomplishments in the last year, plans for the next and 2013’s budget. I only stayed for their visions part and went home afterward. The budget section is non of my concern because I’m not an official member and therefore couldn’t vote.

Home was a bit of this and that, a pyramid sticky rice thing host grandma gave me and a long nap. Dinner after nap, stuff after dinner. I feel so dead even with the nap. My theory is I need more physical activity because the lack of it is affecting my body even though I do little exercises and dances in my room. Now that winter break in officially tomorrow and there’s no University or high school, I’m planning on finding some form of exercise somehow. A hiking trail, a park, anything! Something to wake me up both physically and mentally. I will take a flipping bus and MRT somewhere like a park if I need to (because I don’t know of any in my neighborhood). And no yesterday doesn’t count because we didn’t hike very far up before Ellie had her reaction. We actually found out why she had that. She’s allergic to fruit and some fruit was forced on her. That led her to take allergy medicine. What she forgot to read on the bottle was “No physically activity for 48 hours after taking this.” It’s good to know the reason for her reaction because it means it’s nothing serious within her but just the medicine.

Excuse being lukewarm in manner. I already explained most of why so forgive me please.

Peace out guys.

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