Monday, February 18, 2013


Monday January 28th, 2013

Wow. Nooooooothing happened today. No plans except for doing homework. Actually the plan was to finish all my homework for the winter break but that did not happen. Why? I did not feel good. Talk about having a hard time concentrating! I took two naps, which took up several hours. That is so not good! When awake I felt dead and had a heck of a time doing homework. What…joy… -_-

Michael (my host family’s older son) came back from his trip to Japan early eeeeeearly morning, midnight between Sunday and Monday. He slept in late, understandably, and woke up for lunch. It was the first time in a while since a meal was eaten as a family with four people, host grandmother, host father, Michael and I (host mother was at work). We had a dumpling vegetable soup, the dumplings being very dense and rich. Tasty but really filling!

Dinner was Asian burritos again. I found out that they are called “run4 bing3” and are only eaten twice a year during January and April. I think it is related to Chinese New Years. Delicious nonetheless.

And that’s it. Like I said, nothing happened. I didn’t even leave the house. Andrea just doesn’t feel good. With hopes that tomorrow will be better, peace out guys.

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