Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post Office Time!

Wednesday January 23rd, 2013

No big adventure today. People had stuff planned so there were no available explorers. That’s ok because I still made good use of my day.

First off I FINALLY went by the post office to mail a few things. The post office I’ve been to before is by my school and it takes FOREVER to get service because it’s so busy. It takes anywhere from 30-60+ minutes to have your number called. That doesn’t fit into my weekday schedule very well. So I would go on Sunday, the day I have some free time, but the post office is closed on Sunday just like in America. There’s one office that’s closer to my house but I didn’t find the time to go walking there because weekdays are not time friendly. Then Saturdays are usually busy. So phooey!

Luckily since I didn’t have any plans on this fine weekday holiday, I took a morning stroll down to a tiny branch that’s a ten-minute walk away. To my pleasant surprise, I only waited fifteen seconds for my number to be called. Score! With half English and half Chinese from both the man and me, we worked out all the shipping stuff successfully. It’s nice to finally visit the post office nearest my house and know that I can come back pretty easily.

On the way to the house, I wanted to spice the day up a bit by taking a detour. Instead of using the straight road home that my bus always takes, I went down a parallel street for some different scenery. There wasn’t much to see because there’s nothing really by my house. Some produce stands was about all there was. No stores, no cafes, no parks, no nothing. There isn’t anything to do in my neighborhood.

This sign is in the area. …Not the greatest English name. I can’t believe something like that exists. XD

I did stop by a couple convenient stores in search of an ATM compatible with my card. I’ve only used one ATM in the past and it’s on my way to high school. Since I don’t have high school for a while, it’s too far away, I’m on winter break and my money is dangerously low, I really needed to find another ATM. On my third try, I found out the convenient store ATM compatible to my card is the closest one to my house. Haha! Who knew? XD So thank goodness I have some money on me now! I can continue to live! XD

Until leaving for martial arts class, I spent half the day sleeping and half the day catching up on what not stuff. In my head I shouldn’t have slept for so long and should have been more productive. But when I think about it, the long nap was a good thing in order to catch up on sleep, especially after a tiring day like yesterday. So it’s all good. One uneventful, relaxing day once in a while isn’t a crime. ;)

And the mentioned martial arts class was good. We worked a bit more on five moves that result in some form of painful position for the opposing person. Fun stuff!

Buenas noches! :)

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