Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Library Love & GINORMOUS Dinner Bowl

Wednesday January 30th, 2013

Begin the morning with a Skype with my sister to play her ‘Happy Birthday’ on my ocarina? Heck yes! Great start to the day! ^_^

For the afternoon I went to my club’s Rotary meeting for lunch and my monthly allowance. I did have to give a little speech in Chinese about my time in Taiwan. Can’t say it was any good but hey, I gave it my best shot.

Next up was taking the subway to a place called “Xinbeitou.” Here I met up with Akiko, Erin, Will, Ellie, Leo and Kelly at a public library. We spent several hours just sitting down and reading some lovely English novels. I chose one titled Pirates! by Celia Rees. A fourth of the way in I got hooked and wanted to finish it all but the time to leave was nearing. Therefore I signed up for a library card and checked it out. I was reluctant at first because Xinbeitou is super far away from my home and I didn’t want to travel all the way there just to return the book. That is why I became delighted when I found out I could return it to any public library. That means there’ll be one near by house, meaning I can continually check more books out, meaning…a foreseen future of decreased boredom at high school. Fluffin’ yes! >:D

For dinner we all went out for a traditional Taiwanese dinner. But not just any Taiwanese dinner. According to Leo, it’s what Taiwanese people ate in the 80’s.

See this bowl? It’s diameter is greater than the span of your forearm. It is ginormous! The real shocker is that it’s only the medium size! Good grief! Delicious but holy sha-moley that’s big!

Our cheerful group of friends! The man who took this photo had his own camera with him. A big camera…a really, really big camera. A.K.A. He was a cameraman. Guess what he was filming? The restaurant most likely for a news channel. (Taiwanese news frequently talks about car crashes or local food of some sort.) That’s fine and dandy but his camera was pointed right at our faces. Of course he would film only us and not the rest of the restaurant’s customers. XD He pointed his behemoth of a camera at each of our individual faces for a time as we all quietly ignored him. At one point his machine was two inches away from Erin’s head. Talk about interference of bubble space! XD

The entire meal was quite delectable! It’s contents were mainly noodles, broth, vegetables, shrimp and various other ingredients. Somehow we were able to drain the bowl almost empty. I can’t take much credit for that because I didn’t eat much. Just imagine if we would’ve gotten a large size bowl! I think that’ll feed an entire village!

After the meal we headed to a drink shop for dessert. Most people got bubble milk tea but my choice settled upon lemon green tea to soothe my throat. When I woke up today I felt a sickness threateningly present and that grew throughout the day. I had hoped some nice hot tea would help out but in the end I could barely sip an eighth down before throwing it away. It tasted more like hot, sour, unsweetened lemonade than tea. I wanted tea… Sad face… But heck at least I tried it even if it didn’t help.

Evil, wonderful plans were cooked up for a musical project that may occur between tonight’s company. Guess who was the mastermind? … *points to self* Ahaha! That’s right! Yours truly did! I don’t want to spoil anything in case it does happen but I’ll say this at least, it’ll be internationally themed…with dancing. Chew on that for a bit. ;D

Ok, it’s really late and I finally finished packing for tomorrow’s Rotary trip to Hualien. Part of me is screaming “GO TO BED ALREADY ANDREA!” while another part is beckoning “read the pirate book. You know you want to.” Gosh darn it! Oh well, good night one and all! Sweet dreams to ya! ^_^

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