Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lin Family Garden & Confucius Temple

Friday January 25th, 2013

The run down of today is in three parts: Lin Family Garden, Confucius Temple and Bali.

Lin Family Garden as the first location is basically a super duper rich family that donated the garden to the government for tourists to observe. It’s really big and more based on Chinese architecture of buildings rather than flowers and plants.

If you look in the doorway the ground is not flat. There is a cut of wood that you must step over. If you touch the wood, it is considered as disrespect to the family. So whatever you do, don’t step on it and don’t bump your foot against it.

This was called the “Lai-Ching Hall.”

Across from the Lai-Ching Hall was this, Kai-Shiuan-Yi-Shiau. It acts as a theater.

Random pagoda.

There was a big wooden cage with one male and one female peacock inside.

Lin Family Garden is not limited to only those pictures. There were ponds, little bridges and other small buildings, like a library, comprised within the walls. Those are just a few.

Before the Confucius Temple we stopped by a different temple close by for a bathroom break for host grandmother. I just took pictures anyway because the structure was pretty. The bonsai trees are quite lovely.

Pretty dragon roof time!

This would be the Confucius Temple entrance.

And this would be the main part of the Confucius Temple. The surrounding area was like a museum as it had six sections of Confucius school: archery, rites, music, calligraphy, chariot riding and computation. We only visited four out of the six in order to watch a 4D movie thing over Confucius. Even with English subtitles I didn’t understand it because they talked way too fast and the subtitles went by in a flash. The 4D aspect came from random spurts of air or shaking from the chair.

Then it was off to Bali. Same old, same old. Gym. Shower. Food. Home.

…tada. Night now.


  1. Just some words of encouragement: if you can survive this Andrea, you can survive anything that college is going to throw at you. So everything is going to be fine ^_^.
    Also happy Chinese New Year! :D (Unless it ended already.....)

    1. Oh I have no doubt I'll survive this. In fact I won't just survive, I'll enjoy it! I hope college is treating you nicely. Stories will have to be exchanged eventually! ;D
