Monday, February 18, 2013

AMERICAN FOOD & Asian tortillas!

Sunday January 27th, 2013

It was exciting this morning because I got to choose my entire breakfast. See, how it goes in the house for breakfast is I’m served something and I eat it. Well no one was awake when I got up so I had fun picking out the composition of the meal. A Nature Valley bar, some mixed nuts, a bit of raisin brand cereal and liquid yogurt made Andrea’s stomach happy. ^_^

 Wow! Twas an umbrella day for sure! The morning was pouring down buckets! Church was normal as usual followed by beta groups. We discussed religion and whatnot but the meal was absolutely intriguing! It was eaten at ‘Apple Diner,’ which had brunch, omelet and pasta options. My selection was “Roasted Apple Pancake Brunch.”

Duuuuuuuuude. Just…duuuuuuuude. And dude again! This wonderful, oh so wonderful meal screamed “AMERICA!” First, the little cup of salad was tasty but not exactly labeled as American. Everything else though, yes. AMERICA! Two smooth scoops of mashed potatoes with creamy gravy on top made me visit my western roots. A pile of eggs, bacon and sausage definitely boasts an American flare of deliciousness but the kicker was it actually tasted American. It wasn’t Taiwanese eggs and meat. Nope, it legitly tasted like good old eggs, bacon and sausage from Texas. Hot dang it was FANTASTIC! The final section of the dish was the pancake portion. I laugh at this because for the past several days I’ve been thinking about the pancakes my dad used to make from delectable banana pancakes to good experimental mint chocolate ones. It gave me a craving for them. And lookie here, today ended up with pancakes that were quite scrumptious. I felt like I was back in my kitchen on a Sunday morning, getting served hot pancakes freshly made by my dad. Mmm, good stuff! The cherry on top was actually roasted apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon. Now these felt like I took a little visit to Cracker Barrel and indulged in the same wonderful food. Gosh darn it this meal was the bomb! It was magical transportational food that teleported you from Taiwan to Texas. Absolutely marvelous stuff! :D

With that being said, it was a full meal and a half. Extremely filling! Numerous jumping jacks, squats and various exercises later, my stomach barely started to empty. XD Dinner didn’t help too much. Yummy stuff but nothing light. We (host grandmother, me and four people I didn’t know) had Asian version of burritos. You begin with two thin pieces of Asian tortillas (they’re not actually tortillas but that’s the closest relation) offset on top of each other. Then sprinkle a bit of what I think is peanut dust in the middle. Afterwards you can put whatever you want in. Such choices were among meat, tofu, eggs, and vegetables. Wrap it all together and viola! You got yourself a tasty meal!

Wow I realized this whole post is basically about food. Oh no I sound Taiwanese! XD They all were pleasurable experiences though, which is what counts. ;) Tomorrow doesn’t hold any plans for me so I’m thinking of tackling homework of a little exploration. Excitement! Good night guys! ^_^

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