Monday, May 6, 2013

Yingge: Third Visit!!!

Saturday May 4th, 2013

*fast forwards to the afternoon* Alllllllll right folks! The day of our young friend begins with visiting a little music company called “Wind Music” to purchase a previously seen CD. Host father knew a Rotarian who was involved in this company, which led us to get a slight discount. Score! For three dollars less, I bought a 2-disc CD of Taiwanese aboriginal children with outstanding singing voices. The music is very enchanting and warranted purchase before I left this great country. Plus, y’all know how I love anything related to Taiwanese aboriginals! ^_^

Next up was a trip back to Yingge, the land of pottery! Though I’ve been here twice before, once with host family and once with Rotary, there were still more shops to see with diverse works of pottery art. So host father, mother and I pleasantly browsed around and admired the works.

During this time we picked up a few snacks along the way. First was…dun dun duuuun…an egg! Exciting, right? Actually it was because it wasn’t a chicken’s egg. Nope! Twas a goose egg and boy was it huge! The size amounted to be as big as your fist! Preparing the egg consisted of peeling off the shell, slicing it into quarters and sprinkling a bit of pepper on top. Apparently these were specially prepared without the usage of water. I think they were baked in some form or another, just without water. Taste-wise, I liked the yolk the best though I discovered I prefer chicken eggs. Not sure why but the goose egg whites were kinda smelly and salty. Cool new experience!

Ahhh, a peanut-dust ice cream burrito cart was spotted. I didn’t even request it. Upon sight, host father excitedly bounced up to the stand and bought two to share amongst us three. Mmm, nummy!

Intimidating jumbo squid! Battered, fried and sliced, it was an interesting snack. I can’t say I’m a fan of squid though. Just not my thing.

We quickly wrapped up our Yingge visit with a small teatime break. Milk tea for my host parents and a mocha coffee no sugar for me. I’m not going to lie. It felt really good to be able to enjoy a cup of non-sweetened coffee without a puckered expression or an upset stomach. I’m growing up…*sniff*

Our second location of this Saturday was Ximending, the bustling place to shop till ya drop. Before heading out on our expedition, we met up with Michael (host brother who is visiting Taipei for a meeting) and ate dinner together at a Japanese restaurant.

Everyone got a tray like this. Though I didn’t eat the top left jello and barely touched my rice, everything else was very tasty. The miso soup in particular was gratifying along with the pork meat with a bit of sauce on top. Yum!

Some things we shared amongst the four of us. Not sure what the left thing is but the right cup is some sort of jello-like egg with a few mushrooms and shrimp thrown in.

Fried tofu. Dipped in a bit of sauce, it was ok.

Brother and sister! ;D

With our bellies full, which mine definitely was without even eating all my food, we headed out to check out the same Chinese dress place Chen father took me. It was brief same with visiting a Chinese shoe shop. Just little quickies to look at.

Michael got a fast, cheap haircut and we drove back to the house. I was pooped afterwards! Just tired from a long day. So, nighty night all!

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