Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shop Till Ya Drop!

Monday May 13th, 2013

Let the day begin! With no high school today, that means no school uniform. I could wear whatever I wanted to! Whoo-hoo! Simple but comfortable, I went for gray pants, black shirt and a yellow vest combo. It felt good to be wearing normal clothing to University, which by the way included the first part of our(Class C) Chinese final. The test consisted solely of grammar. It threw me off because I thought there would be more vocabulary elements. Nevertheless, the diligent vocabulary studying may not matter for the test but it’ll help out for my Chinese in general. Win-Win situation I reckon! ;)

Able to take lunchtime as slow as my heart desired, I meet up with some exchange student friends to join them for lunch. Each bought a take-out meal and brought it to an outdoor coffee shop. Here they obviously purchased a beverage to go along with their food.

Nothing at nearby shops really appealed to me at the moment so I settled for two tea eggs from FamilyMart convenient store. These were only ok tasting but still nice for filling me up. Eating them, I wondered whether or not I was eating too many eggs, for the day anyway. The fried egg in host grandmother’s egg cheese toast sandwich, a morning tea egg and then two tea eggs for lunch. EGG OVERLOAD! There’s nothing wrong with four eggs but I started to worry that it would cause diet imbalance with a lack of other nutrients, such as from meat, fish or veggies. Well, at least I could redeem that at dinner when back at the house but in the mean time, twas an egg morning and afternoon.

I only visited “36 Coffeehouse” once a looooong time before and couldn’t remember what I ordered or what the verdict was. Taking Akiko’s suggestion, a hot Vienna coffee was selected. Though it takes quite some time to make (a big reason why I don’t go more since the previous time almost made me late to high school), the beverage was served in a sturdy coffee mug, obviously not for take-out. An attractive mound of cream and drizzled chocolate topped the steaming coffee. Tasting the prettiness, the cream deserves mad props! Not skimpy light stuff, not thick molasses consistency, it achieved a delightful middle perfection with delicious flavor! Uber kudos! I almost wanted to eat the cream alone instead of mixing it in the liquid. XD But I did stir it all in and attained a pleasant cup of coffee. Really emjoyable!

Yours truly. A tad extra holding help underneath the cup was needed because it was a heavy mug! See that yellow vest? It’s just an adornment to spice up the simple T-shirt and jean combo, plus I hadn’t yet worn it in Taiwan. I thought, why not wear it today? I’m pointing this out because I want you to remember the vest for later. ;P

A good number of exchange students gathered at the coffee shop, some staying for only a little bit while others remained there for quite some time. 10-15 people might be a good estimate. Our time together reached nearly two hours, extending past 1:10PM. Oh me oh my it was truly wonderful! I adored such a lovely time! It’s clear to see how some exchange students are so much closer together because they can be with each other for so long. Me on the other hand, I don’t normally stay that long just because of high school. Yeah, their schools are a lot less strict and they don’t want naptime. Even if I didn’t attend naptime, I still would have to leave a lot earlier than them. No matter, I enjoyed today’s company immensely though I do wish I could’ve partaken in it more often. Still, I have no regrets. ;)

As people began departing to their schools (yes they had school today though I’m off because of major tests), I took my leave as well. The little plan I had for the remainder of today basically was searching for things on my buy-before-leaving-Taiwan-list. So off it was onto the shopping expedition!

First was checking the nearby General Merchandise around the corner for some Taiwan flag styled products. Last time I searched here, none of the items were available much to my disappointment. But happy day, today they were! With great satisfaction, I happily bought a Taiwanese flag, Taiwanese flag stickers and a mini Chinese-styled bag with a Taiwanese flag design. All cheap and fantastic things I had desired for quite a while! Already the majority of my to-do list was cut down. Yay!

The other stop was at Taipei Main Station to two underground mall sections. Browsed here and there from clothing to anime stuff with all the ease in the world. Purchases followed occasionally and I will recall a few but first a random encounter story!

While looking through a cheap clothing store, a girl younger than me can up and asked me a question concerning where to find a certain type of clothing. This confused me and I suggested her to ask the shop owner because I didn’t know. I was only a visiting customer after all and not a knowledge employee. Why would she ask me? Later I realized…she though I was an employee. The blame is on the yellow vest I was wearing. It struck me that it could be accidently mistaken as the type of vest people wear if volunteers for events or employees at certain shops. Though it was certainly not that kind of shop, I see why the mishap came about. Then I got thinking…do all Taiwanese think of me like that with this vest? Yes or no, I didn’t care, not when having a jolly good time. :P

Onto some new treasures! The final thing on my must-to-buy-list was some kind of jade jewelry. Jade is a very important stone to Taiwan, probably more so than diamonds or gold, and you can see people often wearing some sort of jade jewelry for luck and other such positive symbols. Usually they wear a solid circle of jade as a bracelet, like my host grandmother will do. The solid bracelet isn’t much to my personal liking so instead I tried for a ring or necklace. And success! I found not one, but two beautiful jade pendants.

Both pretty and agreeably cheap (about $3US per pendant), one is a dragon circle bordered with a Chinese-style pattern and the other just an overall attractive design. I really love both of them and am so glad to have jade jewelry off my list. Yay!

Even though I thoroughly browsed through the long hallway of numerous anime shops, I didn't expect to find much. Really, I wanted to give it one final good-bye check before returning to America. The selections were pretty much the same as what I remembered but with a few differences. Still, it was fun to look around. Fun save for one painful reminder of coming upon the figurine I so terribly want but can’t get with its ridiculous price of 5800NT($194US). I quickly passed it to minimize the fact that I’m poor. :P Pfft, no I’m not poor, it’s just ludicrously expensive. XD

When at the last few anime shops, the feeling of not finding anything was present and went into auto half-hearted search mode. What? I was getting tired and dehydrated. Don’t judge. :P Anyway I was simply scanning when BAM! Heartbeat temporarily was non-existent and all I could do was merely stare in loving disbelief. Right there, right in front of my face…was Motochika. An uber special voice enabled Motochika that I’ve seen online for beyond unreasonable prices (like $150-300US) that I never ever expected to see in person. Something I’ve hankered for thinking it only a unattainable dream. Yet there he was, only his model and not any other characters of the corresponding series. What a stroke of luck! Immediately I thought ‘I WANT TO BUY, NOW!’ Therefore my eyes darted to the price and…

STAB! Right in the heart. A depressing 3000NT labeled his box, meaning a whopping $100US. Though cheaper than online, it still is preposterous. Dear, why must you be so expensive? I admit, I was very tempted for a second but came to senses quickly. Even though he would be absolutely wonderful to have, I’m not so selfish to waste hard earned money in such a greedy manner. Therefore, I shuffled out of the store fast.

Back in realistic price world, here’s a little something quite cheap and entirely delightful! A wee little stamp of the Chosokabe clan symbol! I won’t go into the story of why this sign is special to me, but know it makes me certainly cheery! Paired with a proper shade of purple ink pad and I got myself a charming stamp combo that I will have utmost fun with! LOVE!

Tuckered out and managing to consciously travel back to the house, I settled down for the night with easy-going work. More importantly, my must-to-buy-list is complete! I can return to America content. The completion satisfaction is not only in shopping but also physical places. I’ve seen, bought and eaten all that I absolutely had to in Taiwan (with the exception of this planned Wednesday) so I have no untied ends or regrets. All that remains are nice things to do before leaving this country but not personal requirements. It’s a good feeling! ^_^ Btw, only two weeks left in Taiwan. Holy sha-moley time is flying fast!

Hope my shopping trip was entertaining even if just a little bit. Sorry if it was a bore. I’m a little too tired for a proper writer mindset. Perhaps tomorrow might be better if today wasn’t your cup of tea. Anyway, good night and good luck! ;D

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