Friday, May 10, 2013

Interesting Art Museum & Beautiful Chinese Dresses!!!

Wednesday May 8th, 2013

Another drag of a morning. Perhaps I’m feeling the effects of a sodium deficit? Whatever it is, I can’t seem to feel energized as of late. *looks at clear chicken broth can* …not today. Maybe tomorrow but so far that seems like the only solution as made evident despite all the naps I had to take at school. Something I wonder about when I return to America, how long will it take me to adjust to no naptime? I predict there’ll be some difficulty but hopefully not too much. Taiwan’s afternoon naptime will sorely be missed. ;)

Same buffet as yesterday, I had fun with my box. Maybe too much fun. My hungry carnivorous side was appeased through the nice about of meat with a lovely side of accompanying veggies. Those little Dim Sum creations, what I think are meatballs of a kind, have also been ranked as a food I really enjoy. The buffet offered the colors yellow and green (as you see here) but there’s no taste difference between them. Both are delicious. Actually everything was delicious though I think the box was filled a bit greedily. It was filling past the point of satisfaction, towards quite full. Not the greatest feeling. Yes, I’m strange in that I rather feel kinda hungry than overly stuffed. Lesson learned, take less next time.

Afterschool I met up with Erin (Canadian chica) and visited the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Eli (German) would’ve joined but unfortunately came down with a terrible sickness. We’ve previously planned this trip before but had cancelled due to her getting sick. Apparently the art museum is cursed towards Eli, poor thing. I hope she gets better.

The entrance fee situation was humorous. A lady asked if we were 18+ years old or not. I replied yes and Erin no. Erin got a free ticket, I paid for mine. Well at least my conscious is clear and untainted, huh? XD

With only an hour before the museum closed for the day, we sped through the exhibits, half of which were blocked up due to switching the exhibitions. One floor had paintings that were restored to their former colors. My favorite section was attractive old-styled Chinese paintings lining the room. A pleasant sight indeed. The other couple floors though…less pleasant. All EXTREMELY confusing.

First was a display labeled illusions. Here’s what it contained:
-Several videos of people reading an English letter with unimportant contents while caressing objects surrounding them.
-Printers that spat out papers with Chinese characters that came out black but soon faded into being completely invisible.
-Dark projection area that displayed undistinguishable patterns.
-A beyond creepy dark room with projections of grimy surroundings and distressed children. Combined with the spine-chilling music, the room reeked of a Holocaust feel and I quickly left feeling quite disturbed.

So where exactly were the illusions? It must have been some really abstract meaning because none of it made sense to either of us. We moved on to a strange space room that also made no sense. There was also a place with several videos of men on an icy artic expedition but the issue was that the printed explanation never mentioned what the expedition was for. Not research or experimentation so…nature reasons? Other unnerving small displays spotted the museum here and there, ones we didn’t spend too much time in due to well, spookiness and also not understanding what the heck we were looking at. By far the best works of art were several gizzys with hilarious purposes. One manually flipped a book to fan a person sleeping on a desk. Another was a makeshift window that sat on your shoulder, which could rudely shut closed if you didn’t like the person on the other side. The best probably was a machine that automatically yanked someone’s collar up as if the opposing person was making a furious gesture, only with no hands!

Just as Erin and I were wrapping up our time since the museum was closing, Uncle Eric suddenly called me and asked if I could meet him at Ximending to pick up the Chinese dresses with finished adjustments. Great timing because I immediately headed on over and met up with him!

When we arrived at the shop, I was bid to try on each dress to see how they turned out. The black and pink dress was spot on perfect! The red one had a slight problem in the hips with a bulky section that was quickly mended. Finally the green dress. Ohhhhh, the green dress. It had problems in the hips, mainly the right side and it didn’t take one try to fix it. Not two tries, not three, not even four. SIX times to feel satisfied with the turn out. Indeed we had to wait a bit while the lady adjusted away with a sewing machine and iron.

The wait though was worth it because now I have three beautiful, long Chinese dresses fitted specifically to me. I love them all! No I don’t have pictures of me wearing them but I can at least show y’all the different fabrics all in one bag. Btw, I would put on the dresses and take the pictures myself (like I did last time with the short one) but these dresses are designed so I can’t zip up the back without risking tearing open a seam. That’s how tightly adjusted they are. I think they are fairly slimming but I didn’t get a good look in the mirror at the store because of rushing to get the dresses fixed. Though I do know one thing, I uberly love them! ^_^ I’m very grateful and appreciative of Uncle Eric’s kindness!

Slipping into the night, we exited the store and immediately crossed the street for dinner. Uncle Eric generously treated me to a meal of my choosing, grilled chicken with cheese. Oh good Lordie it was scrumptious! I do admit that I didn’t taste as much as I normally would have due to slightly scarfing down the food in hunger. No matter, the dish was delightful! Juicy chicken with wonderful seasoning reached far beyond my expectations. Conversation between Uncle Eric, his lady friend (who helped us talk with the dress storeowner with adjustments) and I was a pleasant addition to the time together. Following up was farewells, more ‘thank you’s from me and heading back to the house with the subway and bus being strangely, comparatively empty.

I am quite weary and totally spent. Frankly I’m in need of a recharge, more so than any amount of napping could provide at this moment. Though my Rotary district has a Mandarin Speech contest tomorrow among the exchange students, I’m not concerned at all mainly cuz I just don’t feel up to it. My fingers are crossed that a restful night of sleep can cure that.

If this Taffy seems relatively lackluster, I apologize. I’ll try and get some snoozles now. Good night all! Sleep well!

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