Sunday, May 5, 2013


Friday May 3rd, 2013

Oh boy. Power outage last night. All the lights, Internet went POOF! Apparently the gas also was cut off. I don’t understand why or how but it came back in the morning. So no big deal but the power outage felt like hurricane season again. XD

Pushing myself through the first class to get as much homework done as possible, it was definitely a mental drag and burden. Satisfied with my good progress when the ten-minute break time came around, I opted for a short nap. So down my head went onto the desk and my own personal blackout followed less than a minute later. I tumbled so deep into unconsciousness that I didn’t hear the bell to start class at all and woke up about half an hour later. It felt like a boulder crushed upon me making me struggle to get up. Thank gosh for that intense nap though! Twas desperately needed.

Oh but what fun afterwards. (sarcasm) With the energy recharge came a whopping stomachache that lasted for nearly two hours. Owwwwowowowowowwwwww! Some Tylenol and Pepto Bismo pills later only provided limited help. Big owie. T-T No me gusta!

Remember my mini rage about being overcharged on Wednesday from the buffet at Tatung? Well apparently that raise in price has become permanent…that sucks. Again I was charged even more compared with past weeks of cheaper prices with more food. Buuuuuut, I just have to bear with it since this buffet has the delicious chicken, fish with tofu and egg options. Me wants the healthiness. :P

Ok….Best. Chinese. Class. EVER!!! Teacher and I. I and teacher. Just two people. Why just two people? Camille (French chica) is touring Taiwan with her visiting French family for a couple weeks. Rike (German) and Marilu (Mexican) had an activity with their Rotary district. That left me alone with teacher and awesomeness ensued. This class was the most productive and personalized three hours of Chinese I’ve EVER had! IT WAS SO FANTASTIC! Not only did we tackle new vocabulary but also I could comfortably ask questions whenever confusion wracked my brain. We could assault the problem until all was cleared, which they were. Teacher also went the extra distance to point out some personal grammar and pronunciation snags I had, all which were unknown to me beforehand. IT WAS SO WONDERFULLY HELPFUL! Heck, we even had fun amongst the two of us by discussing differences and similarities between Texas and Taiwan. Many revolved around school but there are some I ought to point out just cuz they’re kinda bizzare.

The least shocking is giving yourself more luck if you don’t eat beef. Ok, nothing outlandish in that. Now let’s head towards the subject of pregnancy. In both America and Taiwan, most people upon sight of a pregnant teenager will have negative thoughts about her. Taiwanese pregnant teenagers use a certain technique to avoid being judged so negatively. As their tum-tums get rounder, all their clothes get pudgier, meaning they alter their appearance to look as if overall fat. They will keep their obese appearance until the baby is born and slowly deflate themselves to normal size. Woah…that’s extreme. O.O Then there’s something really flabbergasting to me involving the uterus fluid, amniotic fluid I think is its name. People will eat or inject themselves with it in order to make themselves beautiful. …that…is just repulsive. Does it harm the fetus? I don’t know the exact science behind it but I imagine a pregnant belly being sucked dry for this practice, depriving the unborn child of needed nutrients. Oh I felt a bit nauseous when teacher told me this, which isn’t good to have with an already upset stomach.

BUT that’s not the point! It was just a few minutes out of the overall incredible lesson. So much help and clarity gives me warm fuzzy feelings about the Chinese language. Private lessons rock! ^_^ 謝謝老師!(Thank you teacher!)

Time for Andrea to go TIMMMMMBERRRRRRRRRR!!! Night all! ;P

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