Sunday, November 25, 2012


Friday November 16th, 2012

What did this Friday start out with? Well, breakfast of course but what WAS breakfast surprised me. Cheesecake! Two small slices of cheesecake. Wha-ha-ha-ha-at?! Cheesecake for breakfast? That’s a first for me. An unhealthy first. XD The cake wasn’t anything like ‘Cheesecake Factory’ style where it’s uber rich and dense. No, instead this cheesecake was light, fluffy and plain flavor. Would that be called vanilla, original, plain or just normal cheesecake? Either way you get my drift, huh? ;)

Today my host mother rode the bus with me but we timed it wrong. I ended up being late to school by ten minutes because the bus is sporadic and has no set time of arrival, making me wait a long time on occasion. Joy. So I must compensate and leave the house earlier just to be safe. Fair enough.

Except for the Friday global news I had to give, my entire school day was spent bobbing my head. What do I mean by that? Simply that I had the hardest time staying awake. Every class period I kept drifting off and passing out because I’m that darn exhausted. All the recent and future events are just taking such a toll on me that I feel completely wiped out. No focus, no productivity and no consciousness. It’s getting terrible.

Again, nothing really happened at school so I shall skip ahead to when my host mother took me out. She showed me a bit of the surrounding neighborhood area. It basically was a walk to the nearest community center that was closed for the day. So whoop.

Dang this Taffy is short! That’s what happens when I’m in such a worn out state. Please don’t think I’m asking for sympathy because I’m not. I know how your personal job or college experience can be just as or even more so exhausting. I’m just writing down what’s happening in my Taiwan life.

This Taffy has been groggily finished. Good bye now. *conks out*

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